Monday 11 October 2010

Codes and Conventions of a Magzine Contents Page

  • A variety of images to match the main headlines.
  • Page numbers on pictures which anchors to the written contents.
  • Small writing.
  • Small picture of the front of the magazine in the top left.
  • The pictures have captions.
  • Hardly any colour.
  • Columns, usually 3 or 4.
  • One main picture related to a feature article.
  • Structured layout/created layout.
  • The name of the magazine is at the top & the date, issue, contents.
  • Subscription and contact information.
  • Sometimes an editors letter.
  • Contents is divided into catergories & headings used to identify each category.
  • Simple colour scheme.

First line

  • Contents are written in the same way: page number/ one or two words(artists names/ambiguious text to intrigue the reader) in bold type, often Capital letters (average of 12/13pt).
  • Capital letters


  • Give you more specific detail about what the articles about.
  • Smaller font and Roman (No bigger than 11pt).
  • Photography is credited for the front cover.
  • They are not Boring photographs, they are interesting & varied.

"Features" and "Regulars" Main category heading

  • At the bottom theres a page number, title & date often the web address.
  • Usually one or two pages.

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