Wednesday 1 September 2010


For My Media AS coursework I am designing a new indie music magazine. Please would you take the time to fill this questionnaire out.

1.       What gender are you? Circle Answer.
Male                      Female 

80% of recipiants were Females, therfore the opinions shown will be bias to females.
2.       What is your favourite Colour?                                                           

3.       How old are you? Circle Answer.
16-18    18-20    20-22    22-24
The majority of recipants were under the age of 18, only 30% were above the age of eighteen therfore these results may tend to be the opinion of younger people.

4.       How often do you buy music magazines? Circle Answer.
Weekly                           Fortnightly                       Monthly
Monthly was the most commen answer, this lead me to believe that I should make my magazine monthly
5.       How much would you pay for a music magazine?

6.    Did you attend gigs and festivals in the past year? Circle Answer.
Yes     No
All the reciptants answered yes, so I focussed my coverlines on gigs and festivals.

7.       How do you buy music? Circle answer. 
Download       CDS      Both

8.       What do you like about music magazines?

9.       What don’t you like about music magazines?

10.   Who is your favourite indie artist/band?

11.   On a scale of 1-5 where 1 is the most important and 5 the least, how do you rate the following aspects of a music magazine? Please Circle.
Pictures-           1  2  3  4  5
Competitions-   1   2  3  4  5
Interviews-         1  2  3  4  5
Lists of Music-   1   2   3   4  5
Future gigs and Concert Info-   1   2   3   4   5
Free Gift-  1  2  3   4   5
New music releases-1   2   3   4   5
Reviews-1   2   3   4  5

12.       Name three colours you would associate with indie music?

 13.       Think of Three words you associate with indie music?

The range of prices varied from £2-£3.00